Starting a career in Design is exciting and opens up horizons that no other industry happens to offer.
Choosing the right education is crucial but can also be challenging with countless options offered to the aspiring designer – numerous streams, various specializations and plenty of institutes offering training and innumerable promises.
I’m convinced that the best way to make valuable training is by curating a learning experience that helps students unlock their uniqueness and chanelise it through a high standard methodology, taught in a very progressive manner.
The same way anyone can speak a language or calculate numbers, I believe anyone can be creative, when taught properly. Many doors to promising yet creative careers have been shut on the basis that someone “was not made for it” or “not born with the necessary talent”.
Being creative is not necessarily painting beautiful images on a canvas, it’s also, and according to me, most importantly, the capacity to see the world from a different perspective, and therefore, solving problems that have no solution written in a book.
This creativity can be largely increased when problems are tackled collaboratively. A simple idea often becomes the lever that puts someone else’s plan in motion to become an innovative solution.
While I’m fascinated by the possibilities offered by today’s technology, I’m even more mesmerized by the creative usage only human brains make out of it.
École Intuit Lab’s priorities are perfectly aligned with my personal vision of what any educational institution should be. I use them as a compass with my team, to make sure we are going in the right direction and students get equipped for an extraordinary career. I’m lucky to be surrounded by skilled professionals who know how to get to any given destination.
Yan Garin, Country Head & Director
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Our vast international network, and our belief that we all have not one, but many cultures, means that we offer a host of opportunities for our students to interact with the rest of the world. Explore the world here!
A talented bunch of entrepreneurs and creative professionals working at some of the most prestigious agencies globally, École Intuit Lab's Alumni is a strong network of designers that believe in bringing a positive change to the world through design.
If you love being inspired by creative ideas and wish to be a part of the design revolution, then École Intuit Lab is just the right space for you! Hop over to this page to know more about the latest design buzz!